About us

Artifact provides CX insights to high-growth companies. We empower enterprises to perceive people’s needs, act decisively, and strive for a more empathetic future.

artifact company offsite - sundance, ut

We believe that evidence should fully inform all business decisions — and that success should never be left to chance.

Our team is made of truth seeking, multi faceted, systems thinkers. They’re humble troublemakers capable of changing how businesses operate. The level of connection and passion for the customer experience across the whole team is what we strive to help other companies develop as well.

Marjolein pawlus - technical product manager

Our talented team spans the continent, but we call UT home

Our core behaviors

Our team focuses on a core set of behaviors that we have seen bring about the results we need to be successful. These behaviors influence the work that we do every single day.



Be a systems thinker

There is constant input and output of information, material, and energy in every system. We design and use systems to guide how we operate our business. We demand our employees develop a diagnostics mindset so they can examine, diagnose, and finely tune the system to perfection

Be a systems thinker

Transparent communication

Assume the best

The map is not the territory

Decide quickly and confidently

Our founders

Caleb Bartholomew

Cofounder & Principal Architect

Trey Davis

Cofounder & COO

Nate Sanders

Cofounder & CEO


Do you resonate with what we're building and the way we solve problems? Check out our open positions below.